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5 Categories for Setting Goals
January 29, 2016, by Rebecca Jackson
It's never too late to write out goals. So, it is officially the end of January. New Years resolutions were either written and accomplished, never written at all, or put in a category I have recently discovered….the anti-resolutions. That's right, some people have decided that resolutions are so worthless, that they purposely do not write any because they feel as though they will set themselves up for failure.

I cannot help but disagree. What I love about goals is that it's a way for us to become our best selves. We all have room for improvement. It is true that change is hard, but it is not impossible and if we want something in our lives to change, we have to put the effort in to make it happen.

Five categories we can look at when trying to figure out our goals are:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Fitness
  3. Relationships
  4. Finances
  5. Spiritual
Take each category and think critically… "Am I where I want to be with my relationships (or one of the other five categories)?" Is there something you have recently started that you want to maintain doing? Could you save more money….or make an effort to have some spending money? Again, think critically and see what you want out of the life you have been given.

We are here to help.

Have fun & Be Active!
Rebecca from Build it for Life
Written by:

Rebecca Jackson
Rebecca is the Founder of Build It For Life.

Rebecca Jackson is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She is a working mom who believes that exercise should be part of everyday living. She received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Mary Washington.