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5718 N 48th St,
Tacoma, WA 98407

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Richard D
I want to take the opportunity to give a review of my training with Rebecca Jackson. I knew going into our training that she was considered a tough trainer, but I had no idea how hard she would push me.

She tailored my workload and touched base with me regularly and made sure to give me support and confidence when I was having a tough time. My goals were to become more powerful through my legs and core, and the results were amazing.

I worked my hardest to train with her for 2 months and I saw the best results I've ever seen in my body. I have a goal of returning to baseball and I am very confident now with my body. At the end of 2 months, my squats more than doubled from 40 to 100. Almost everything she evaluated doubled for me.

It was hard at first to trust someone else with my exercise and body, but once I did, I really was able to improve. I am very happy with Rebecca and her training.

Work with Rebecca if you want to change yourself or push yourself or simply want to know your body better.