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Meatless Meat
January 12, 2016, by Rebecca Jackson
I was a vegetarian for a little over 10 years, and every so often, I crave the meatless meals of my past. One of my ultimate favorite vegetables is mushrooms. They have such a full-flavor taste that can sometimes be missing in meatless meals. Portobello mushrooms, in particular, are a wonderful replacement for meat, and even have a little protein themselves with 4g per portobello (1).

In addition to protein, portobello mushrooms are a great source of copper and phoropous. Copper helps our body with different chemical reactions that occur inside our bodies, in addition to keeping our hair and eyes healthy. Phosopous is a key component in bone health. Portobello mushrooms also house Vitamin D and Niacin which can both contribute to good moods.

I like cooking portobellos on the grill, just like I would with any other type of "burger" meat. However, they can also be sliced up and sauted. My finace will put them in soups. Here is recipe of a way to make a stuffed portobello mushroom (2). http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/roasted_portobello_caps.html

There are only 109 calories in one of those portobello caps! Try them and let us know what you think!

Have fun & Be Active!
Rebecca from Build it for Life
Written by:

Rebecca Jackson
Rebecca is the Founder of Build It For Life.

Rebecca Jackson is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She is a working mom who believes that exercise should be part of everyday living. She received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Mary Washington.