Last month, we gave Build it for Lifers a monthly challenge. It was incredible successful in helping you move. We want to keep you moving this month and every month this year…so we intend on giving you a monthly challenge. For January, we want to ease into a 4 minute Tabata, by starting with a 3 minute . That's 6 exercises in a row for 20 seconds a piece with a 10 second rest period in between. You'll need a timer for this challenge. We prefer the "Interval Timer" app on IOS devices (it may be on androids too…we just don't have one to try!). Set up the timer so there are 20 seconds on and then 10 second rest in between.
What to do? Everyday for the month of January, dedicate 3 minutes to Tabata.
- 20 seconds of Squat Jumps
- 10 second rest
- 20 seconds of Lunge hops
- 10 second rest
- 20 seconds of push-ups
- 10 second rest
- 20 seconds of Squat Jumps
- 10 second rest
- 20 seconds of Lunge hops
- 10 second rest
- 20 seconds of push-ups
- 10 second rest
In order for this workout to be successful, you need to push your hardest for those 20 seconds on. We know you can do this. It's just 3 minutes.
Have fun & Be Active!
Your friends from Build it for Life