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5 Minute Plank Challenge
February 1, 2016, by Rebecca Jackson
5 minute plank!? Ah! Okay, it's not so drastic or bad! We have split that 5 minutes up among 3 different types of planks, and a boat hold.

Everyday for the month of March, we challenge you to accomplish these 4 planks.

  1. a regular plank for one minute
  2. two side planks (one on each side), each side for one minute
  3. a back plank for one minute
  4. a boat hold for one minute

Can you dedicate 5 minutes to fitness everyday this month? Don't feel like you have to do a full minute at a time…take it in strides (20-30 seconds at a time…adding up to a full minute). Perhaps by the end of the month, your 5 minutes of planks will seem like a breeze. We have faith in you!

Have fun & Be Active!
Your friends from Build it for Life
Written by:

Rebecca Jackson
Rebecca is the Founder of Build It For Life.

Rebecca Jackson is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She is a working mom who believes that exercise should be part of everyday living. She received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Mary Washington.