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Tacoma, WA 98407

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December 29, 2016, by Rebecca Jackson
Happy New Year, Seattlites! Are you ready to rock this year with some serious dedication to your fitness?

We sure hope so! This month, we want to challenge you with a 50-1 workout. It sounds like a lot, but it won't actually take you that long and it WILL help improve your overall fitness as well as help you get on a healthy habit train!

Every day this month, we want you to do:
50 Squats
40 dips
30 mountain climbers
20 push-ups
10 burpees
1 minute Reverse Plank

Let's make this year the best year ever!

Have fun & Be Active!
Your friends from Build it for Life
Written by:

Rebecca Jackson
Rebecca is the Founder of Build It For Life.

Rebecca Jackson is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She is a working mom who believes that exercise should be part of everyday living. She received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Mary Washington.